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Ezequiel González Jr.
November 16, 2001

Avoid Persecution: Stand for Someone Else

          Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Included with these rights comes the freedom to change religion, beliefs, and to manifest religion in practice, observance, and worship.  However, in a vast number of countries where intolerance and discrimination are harsh realities, millions of people are not free to practice their faith. On the other hand, many people live in societies where there are multiple races, customs, and traditions. In these places, law guarantees liberty, and tolerance is part of the nations' culture. However, even in these places, some people are affected by threats. Discrimination based upon religion or conviction exists to some degree in almost every country in the world, but it would be diminished greatly if diverse individuals would stand up for one another.

          Discrimination can take on many forms. In some countries people are only allowed to partake in the national religion. Some of these nations even force their citizens to participate.  In other countries, law restricts many religious actions. Legislators or tyrants have even put laws into effect which have been interpreted in arbitrary ways. Heresy and heretics are not a thing of the past; rejection, persecution, and discrimination towards those who have beliefs different from the norm are still a principal concern. Religious freedom is in danger of extinction in many parts of the world. All evidence confirms the conclusion that intolerance increases, not decreases, everyday. This increasing intolerance is a major threat, perhaps to you or those you know.

          Religious freedom is essential to liberty. A country that does not concur with this philosophy cannot be considered a democracy. Free thought is one of the fundamental elements of autonomy. Consequently, whether you believe in religion or not, you should be interested in the protection of others' rights. A country's attitude affects the way other countries view it. Consequently, infringing on the rights of citizens' choice and freewill even effects foreign policy.

          Religious freedom gives people choices they never imagined.  A country that persecutes its citizens belittles their personal right to live the way they please.  A person who is not allowed to make decisions feels restrained and unable to live independently. Religious freedom is one of the highest values of all human rights; it is part of the very core of human dignity. No governmental system that restricts or allows the violation of this right can claim to be a just and democratic state.

          Freedom of religion is like part of the foundation of a building. Civil, political, cultural, and economic freedoms are built upon this one concept. If the foundation is undermined, the whole building could be in danger of falling. In order to protect other rights, religious freedom needs to be protected first. The negative effects of discrimination are clearly demonstrated worldwide. Do your best to protect religious freedom even if it is only for the sake of maintaining other liberties you hold dear.